When it comes to operational effectiveness and building high performing teams, Operational Innovations is at your side! I work closely with my clients to help them get on track, stay focused and achieve business results. For more, please see my recommendations on LinkedIN.
Testimonials below are from colleagues, clients and students:
- “The training was engaging and informative. You gave us practical ideas we can begin using immediately. I want more!” – Training, development and instructional design company 10/18
- “This was valuable information, AND most importantly the information was very useful. Made me aware of things we need to think of for our team and organizational work in the future” – Training, development and instructional design company 10/18
- “Alicia helped us realize our goals on a few different dimensions: Coaching – Alicia providing a framework to help middle management find their place in the changing organization.” Executive – Medical Device Company 5/18
- “I don’t have conversations with my boss like this to help me reflect and grow” Sr Executive Coachee – Medical Device Company. 5/18
- “I walked away with actions to change and things to focus on when I go back to work!” – Executive Agile Overview – Modesto Beverage Company (1/18)
- “Really great and focused session. Much better than I had in the past. Clean, efficient and to the point. Thanks!” – (5/5 stars) – Executive Agile Overview – San Diego Medical Device (4/17)
- “Brought good examples for relevance and was very good at helping the class understand the difference between methodology and organizational decisions” – (5/5 stars) – Agile Team Training – San Diego Medical Device (4/17)
- “Course material was excellent and will be helpful in my day to day work environment. Alicia is an awesome trainer – energetic, well-informed and current on all things Agile” – (5/5 stars) – San Diego, Institution of Higher Learning.
- “I now feel better equipped to qualify Agile positions and candidates. Loved the training, so many ‘ah ha’ moments!” – (5/5 stars) – San Diego IT Recruiting Firm (6/16)
- “A great introduction to Agile!”, “Presentation was great!” “Real world examples, great pace” – (4.33/5 stars) Engineering team – Client, Entertainment Industry (4/16)
- “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Your wisdom, guidance, support & spirit were just what our team needed (Agile Staffing Bootcamp)!” – Director of HR – Client, Mobile Software Development Industry (4/16)
- “Very informative & enjoyable. This training has transformed my attitude about Agile/Scrum. Well done Alicia!” – (5/5 stars) Software Development Team Member – Client, Manufacturing Industry (3/16)
- “Thank you very much for inspiring me to become more happy with my role. Very good training. I now feel much more in control of my role!” (5/5 stars) Product Owner Bootcamp – Client, Manufacturing Industry (3/16)
- “Great presentation and materials. You really helped us get started with Agile!” – (5/5 stars) Software Development Team Member – Client, Manufacturing Industry (3/16)
- “This was the best class I’ve had in my adult life, Thank You!” – Agile Power Practices, Spring 2017- Student (6/17)
- “This class was transformational for me, Thank you!” – Agile Power Practices, Spring 2017- Student (6/17)
- She is an amazing teacher. I would definitely recommend this class to everyone who wants to learn about agile! – Agile Power Practices, Winter 2018- Student
- Alicia is really good. Her classes kept me engaged and interested in learning more – Agile Power Practices, Spring 2018- Student
- “In doing staff and organizational development work for over 28 years, I have known only a few people with the heart-felt dedication, extraordinary work ethic” – R. Clark, The Center for Organizational Effectiveness (7/09)
- Alicia was my Agile Coach and mentor at Tapestry Solutions. She was an incredible in helping me deal with strong conflicting personalities which I faced on my very first scrum team. Her knowledge of Scrum process and ability to emphasize true agility in company’s approach to Scrum has helped form the way my team and teams across the organization implement and will continue to implement scrum for years to come.” – S. Richard, Tapestry Solutions (7/09)
- “One of the primary strengths that Alicia brings to a company is her strong understanding of corporate organizations – how they function, what processes and dynamics move them and how they can be improved.” – R. Anderson (6/08)